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"The End of Innocence" is the sixth episode of the second season of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder. It premiered on February 1, 2023, on Disney+. This episode alongside "Puff Daddy" aired on Disney Channel on March 18, 2023.


Famous TV star Noah Barker transfers to Penny’s school and asks Zoey to a dance, which turns the friend group upside down as it is revealed that Noah only dates white girls.


The episode starts with a fairytale-style book opening and Penny reminiscing about when she was little and the princess parties she and her friends used to have every year. However, something happened last week that shocked them all.

At Willy T. Ribbs Middle School, everybody is seen glued to their phones in the cafeteria, and Penny asks why. Michael tells her Noah Barker, the famous TV star, is transferring to their school. They watch Noah’s interview and find out he wants to live a normal school life, and to dance with a normal girl at the Valentine's Day dance. The girls swoon and, dreaming to be the lucky one picked by Noah, each claim that he will pick them. Kareem comes to the table and wants to find out what’s going on. Dijonay’s boyfriend Darrius also comes and says Dijonay is already the lucky one to be with Darrius. She ends up disagreeing.

Noah arrives in the cafeteria to a crowd of screaming students. Ms. Hightower introduces him and he blows a kiss to a female student, who faints. Penny and her friends, sans Zoey and Maya, all introduce themselves to him, hoping to gain his attention. He excuses them, and replies that he was talking to "her", and points to Zoey, who is sloppily eating her food, to the surprise of the others.

Noah approaches Zoey and tells her that she is beautiful and asks her to the dance. Zoey is suspicious and treats this as a practical joke, to which Noah reassures her that he is telling the truth. She happily accepts, and they leave the cafeteria together as Penny and her friends look on in bemusement. They seem to accept this outcome, until Maya states that she hears that "Noah is only into white girls," leaving them all in shock.

After school, Penny is being fitted for her dress for the princess party by Trudy, while Suga Mama and Celia prepare for their trip to Wiz Vegas. Penny looks dejected and Trudy asks her what is wrong. Penny says that it's about a boy, and Oscar assumes that Kareem has done something and threatens him, but Penny tells him that it isn't anything to do with Kareem. Instead, she posits a hypothetical scenario about a boy who only likes a "certain type of girl, a girl I could never be". Trudy assures her that she can only be who she is. Penny asks and wonders what it means if one of her best friends is that type of girl. Hearing this, Suga Mama laughs and points out that Celia and herself would never let a man come between them and state "sisters before misters!" as they leave the house.

Later, Penny joins a video call with her friends, with Zoey being absent. Dijonay and LaCienega mention Noah only dating white girls, and Dijonay asks what's wrong with the group. Michael responds sarcastically that it would take too long to answer that, and Dijonay kicks him out of the call. Penny responds by saying that there isn't anything wrong with any of them. LaCienega looks to Maya to back her up, and Maya claims that her cousin who lives down the street from Noah says that he "only goes out with the vanilla". Penny states that that isn't Zoey's fault and that Noah may just like her for her, which she implies they never considered. Dijonay reveals that they have all voted to uninvite Zoey from the princess party. At the same time, Zoey physically forces her way into the video call, leaving everybody speechless as they leave the call one by one. Only Penny and Zoey are left as Penny awkwardly tries to greet Zoey, who looks on disappointingly, and leaves the call. Penny closes her laptop and holds it close to her chest.

At Wiz Vegas, Suga Mama is having terrible luck at the slot machines. Celia is having great luck, stating that she has been lucky ever since she was two years old. Celia offers to make Suga some money, but Suga rejects the offer. Papi snatches the only remaining coin that Suga has and tosses it to Celia, who wins another jackpot on a machine. Papi becomes infatuated with her after hearing her speak Spanish. Suga tells Papi that he used her only coin, and he flicks a single coin back at her before following after Celia. Suga tries her hand at another slot machine, only to be greeted with a losing set of Oscar heads. Wizard Kelly's voice plays through the machine and mocks her misfortune.

On the day of the princess party, Trudy is setting down various presents while Oscar complains about how expensive the party is to host. Penny shows up at the top of the staircase dressed as Princess Tiana, and descends down the stairs. Dijonay arrives dressed as the Brandy version of Cinderella and they complement each others outfits. LaCienega arrives soon after dressed as Elena of Avalor. Penny compliments her and LaCienega appears to give Penny a compliment back about her costume before turning it into an insult, to Penny's annoyance. Next, Michael arrives dressed as Pochahontas to Oscar's bewilderment, and Michael explains that he is celebrating his Powhatan heritage. Maya arrives last, dressed as Beyonce. After Trudy compliments her choice of costume, she announces that the party will start as soon as Zoey gets there. Dijonay begins to tell her that Zoey was uninvited, but Penny quickly covers Dijonay's mouth and lies that Zoey is out of town visiting her grandmother. Initially disappointed, Trudy starts the festivities by acting in an uncool fashion, making the others laugh and embarrassing Penny.

Papi and Celia are shown winning big at a craps table. Suga Mama blows on Papi's dice, burning his hand, and he drops the dice which land on snake eyes and loses them their chips. Papi remarks about Suga's breath as Celia chuckles. Bufferina blocks Suga's way as they move to a different area, mistaking her for a delivery person. Celia tells Bufferina to let Suga through. Suga Mama prepares to argue with Celia about her behavior but is interrupted by Wizard Kelly, who offers a VIP pass to Celia, Papi and the Darnell Sisters to the high-rollers suite. Celia offers to talk with Suga in the suite, but Suga yet again rejects her offer. After changing her mind, she tries to follow them but is intercepted by Wizard Kelly, who explains that losers are not allowed in the suite.

Back at the princess party, the annual costume contest is underway. Trudy announces Michael as the winner, who tears up and says how unexpected it is. Dijonay points out he shouldn't be surprised, as he wins every year. The doorbell rings, and Penny answers the door to Kareem, who is holding all boxes of pizza. He explains that, while he might not be famous, he hopes to be Penny's "Prince Nazeem" and asks her to the Valentine's Day dance. Penny accepts, and as the two lean in for a kiss, Oscar yells from inside the house for the pizzas to be brought in. As Kareem leaves, Zoey is shown to be waiting behind him, dressed as Princess Merida, with an angry expression and dramatic thunder around her. Penny greets her with a wave, but Zoey doesn't respond.

Penny awkwardly announces that Zoey has arrived, and the gang hide behind their canvases at the sight of an angry Zoey with a bow and arrow. Trudy tells them they're being silly, and that they weren't expecting Zoey to show up. Zoey says that she wouldn't miss the party no matter what the girls say, and glares at them, with Michael comparing the situation to the start of a horror movie. Trudy tells Dijonay to reveal the painting she has done for their mood painting session. Dijonay turns her canvas around, showing a crudely drawn depiction of Zoey as Maleficent, shocking Zoey and the Prouds. Things come to a head as LaCienega explains to Penny's parents that they are upset that Noah is only dating Zoey because she is white.

Zoey vehemently denies this and accuses them of being jealous that he asked her out and not them, and that it has nothing to do with her being white. A shouting match begins between the group while Trudy and Oscar excuse themselves from the situation, and Penny screams for everybody to stop yelling. After they fall quiet, Penny attempts to facilitate a calm, polite discussion between them, and offers for Dijonay to speak first. Dijonay explains that she thought her and Zoey were "cool". Zoey replies that they are, but Michael asks why she would date someone who only likes her because she is white. Zoey states that she would never do something like that, and believes that he asked her out because he likes her, and points out that they were there when it happened. LaCienega derisively asks if any other boy has asked her out before this, implying Zoey's only positive trait is her race. Zoey claims that Myron had asked her out three times before, and hypothetically asks whether that means Myron is only into white girls too. Dijonay states that Zoey simply doesn't get it, and they all leave the party until only Penny and Zoey are left. Penny attempts to stop Zoey from leaving by grabbing her arm, stating that she didn't deserve all of this. Zoey points out that Penny didn't say anything in her defense. Penny tearfully explains that she was just trying to get everybody to express their feelings, but Zoey turns and storms out, holding back tears. Penny begins to cry and rushes back to her room.

Later at night, Penny enters the kitchen and is startled by Suga Mama, who has snuck back in to the house. Suga tells Penny that Celia stole Papi away from her. Penny muses that her weekend didn't go down well either, and explains what happened at the party. Penny tells Suga about Noah only dating Zoey because she is white, and Suga responds that the color of someone's skin should not matter, and if a guy can't see that, that they should "bump 'em". The door to the kitchen slides open and Celia appears. She explains to Suga that she thought they were just having fun, and that nobody was interested in Papi that way. She goes on to say that she would never do anything to jeopardize their friendship. Penny looks on as the two make up.

On the night of the Valentine's Day dance, the gang is still making fun of Zoey for showing up to the party and comments on the quality of her costume. Penny replies that even though the party didn't go the way they had hoped, they shouldn't be mean about it. Kareem and Darrius ask why they have a problem with Noah having a preference. Maya shoots back at them asking if it's okay to prefer a specific race, and they excuse themselves from the table before they get into more trouble with the girls.

They spot Zoey who sheepishly makes her way to their table. Zoey states that she broke up with Noah. The gang does not believe her at first and continues to poke fun at her, but she reveals that Noah admitted he does only date white girls, and that she broke up with him due to her being uncomfortable with that, along with seeing how it upset her friends, and apologizes, stating that she "really didn't get it". Maya points behind her at Noah, who is walking with the same student that he blew a kiss to previously. The gang all apologize to Zoey for the way they behaved back at the princess party, and reiterate that Noah was the jerk and that it wasn't her fault for what he did. Penny repeats Suga's "sisters before misters" phrase back to them to their confusion, before replacing it with "bump 'em". The gang put their hands together up to the air and laugh.

Music begins to play as the girls are led by their respective boyfriends to the dance floor. Zoey sadly looks on ath them, standing alone, before Myron appears next to her and hits on her. Zoey hesitantly asks if he is only hitting on her because she is white, to which Myron replies that he is interested in Zoey for her brain. Zoey accepts this as she drags Myron out to the dance floor to dance with him. As they begin to dance, Zoey turns her head to see Penny watching them. Penny smiles at her and though initially surprised, Zoey smiles back. Myron leans into Zoey as they continue to dance, and the fairy-tale book shown at the start closes.


  • LaCienega is depicted as a toddler in one of the group pictures in the beginning story book, despite not meeting Penny and her friends until they were teenagers.


  • Moral: When our friends are being nasty to one another, don't just stand there and say nothing. Stand up for the people being targeted.
  • In an interview with Bruce W. Smith, he reveals that the episode was originally meant to be part of Season 1 before being moved to Season 2, due to being "a little testy".[1]
    • In the same interview, Bruce states that it is the episode he is most proud of.
    • He recently designed a villain in the movie where Penny dresses as Tiana.
  • This episode is considered one of the most controversial episodes in the entire franchise.


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The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder