The Proud Family Wiki
The Proud Family Wiki

The main members of the Proud Family.

The Proud family is the title family of The Proud Family and the revival series The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder.

The family currently consists of Penny, a typical black teenager who tries to live the life she dreams of, Trudy, a veterinarian who comes from a relatively wealthy family, Oscar, an over-protective father who is considered a loser by many, BeBe & CeCe, Penny's trouble-making three-year-old siblings, and Suga Mama, a hip, wrestling-loving grandmother who does Tae-Bo.

Family Members[]

Family Tree[]

Mrs. Towne
Pa Towne
Charlette Towne-Proud
Percy Proud
Bobby Proud
Oscar Proud
Trudy Proud
Penny Proud
BeBe & CeCe Proud