The Proud Family Wiki
The Proud Family Wiki

Benjamin "BeBe" Proud & Cecilia "CeCe" Proud are Penny's trouble-making toddler siblings.


BeBe and CeCe were born three years before the events in the episode "Bring It On", shortly after Penny's first year at Willie T. Ribbs Middle School. The babies are said to be exceptionally smart for their age and it shows in their advanced level of awareness of their surroundings. BeBe and CeCe are well loved by their family and in their eyes are unable to do any wrong which is ironic considering the fact that they are inherently mischievous, especially CeCe who often leads and inspires her otherwise happy-go-lucky twin brother to participate in delinquent activities despite him being the slightly older twin.

In their short lives so far, they have developed a hefty track-record of thievery. They've somehow managed to kidnap animals from the zoo and stash them in their parents' home. They stole an expensive watch from Wizingdale's department store causing Penny, Dijonay and Zoey to get fired from their job at the store which ends up alienating LaCienega from her friends before eventually sabotaging her relationship with Wizard Kelly Jr. which empowered LaCienega to set her friends up to get the job in the first place. Since they are babies, they never suffer consequences for their actions.

One day, the twins were allowed to live a few days as tweens due to Al Roker exploiting Penny's growing frustration with the fact that having to babysit them compromises her freedom to be able to go to the big parties with her friends. They effectively steal her life from her, making her appear useless and feel unwanted due to four main factors. One being the fact that they're even smarter than she is. Secondly, the family is obsessed with their new "tween" presence which they weren't accustomed to. Third, CeCe turned her friends against her by calling her a square and revealing personal information about her which effectively harmed her reputation and caused her peers to lose respect for her while BeBe went on to replace her on Coach Collins' football team since he's a boy while also dating her rival LaCienega Boulevardez which is quite ironic. Lastly, everyone around Penny was behaving abnormally due to being under the control of Roker's magic which empowered BeBe and CeCe with a special kind of charm that pulled everyone toward them while also treating Penny as if she were invisible. After Al Roker removed his spell, Penny ended up appreciating her life and her baby brother and sister a whole lot more, and despite the fact that they seemed to retain their memories from the events, they deferred back to their old lifestyle and seemed to appreciate Penny caring for them as a big sister should.

In "BeBe", BeBe was diagnosed with Autism, and going out from this episode is now going to a special school in order to help accommodate his diagnosis.


BeBe is a boy with an Afro (his eyes are never seen, possibly brown or hazel). He always has a baby bottle in his mouth and wears a orange shirt, while CeCe is a girl with brown hair and a pink dress with pigtails. BeBe is the older (aged before on time) twin. They both wear diapers.

In the revival, CeCe now has a full head of hair like Trudy's but in Suga Mama's style. She also wears a pink ballerina dress, a matching headband with rose and white stockings. BeBe now wears purple shorts with the zipper open, exposing his diaper/underwear, and a mint green cape alongside the same orange shirt that reveals his stomach, and one sock on his right foot. His bottle is replaced with a pacifier. In "Old Towne Road", it is revealed that BeBe has spare pacifiers hidden in his hair.

At the beggining of the reboot, they both wear diapers but in "Old Towne Road" it is implied they no longer use diapers.

In "Twins to Tweens", CeCe has a long ponytail and a crop top with jeans and sandals while BeBe wears a dark blue sports jersey.


  • BeBe may also be named after the 1992 animated film Bébé's Kids, which was created by the same team that created the show. Also, CeCe resembles the character Pee-Wee from BeBe's Kids.
  • BeBe resembled his father when the latter was younger.
  • BeBe and CeCe are namesakes of the gospel music sibling duo, BeBe & CeCe Winans.
  • Bebe's diagnosis of autism in the new series may be based off of his voice actor for the revival, Aiden Dodson having autism himself.
  • In "BeBe", it is revealed that CeCe can write her name.
  • They can kinda talk in Louder and Prouder, which explains the change in voice actors.

